Banjolia - About

Banjolia is a soon to be 3D animated anthropomorphic original show created by Velivian Fesothe for FurShows (A subsidiary of a company known as Furtainment), it's not currently under production by SnackFerret Studio but it will be announced on our X account, and via our newsletter when production starts.

We also plan to develop a game at a later time under the same name to be available through our soon to be subsidiary company Labefy Games, and via Steam.

Banjolia started around 2017 as a character concept, a bust 3D model created by Velivian Fesothe named Lyall Hopkins, and a work in progress second life primitive Banjo uploaded to sketchfab by Velivian in 2017.

We hope to develop this unique character and his musical weapon over a number of years culminating in a fun and truly unique show and game.

Lyall Hopkins Bust (Character) Concept

Lyall Hopkins Banjo Concept

Our show will be developed in Unreal Engine 5 and rendered in Blender and will tell the story of a traveling bard repeatedly attacked by powerfull dark forces, monsters, and bandits as he moves from villages to towns across the country of Javeril armed only with his trusty Banjo, upgraded over time into a powerful modular weapon.

Banjolia will be available to watch on YouTube @FurShows up to season 5 but will be censored to comply with the YouTube TOS it will also be available on our website uncensored, so please pre-subscribe. After season 5 all subsequent seasons will only be available through our own ad-supported website, along side in depth information, trailers, shorts and more Banjolia fan focused content not available on this website.

This website serves as a primary information resource for the show and game as they develop, and will contain maps, wallpapers, character biographies, and videos along side other historic information on the game and show.

If you're intrested in following the development of the show and game you can do so on our SnackFerret Studio blog.

To learn more about Banjolia please read our synopsis.

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